Saturday, 19 March 2011

Moff's History Tour 1 & 2

History Tour 1-
Norfolk Pine
Peppercorn tree/ spice
Aleppo Pine
Pt Turton- Limestone- Flux Building- Calcium Carbonate, Bottom of the sea. (Calcium Carbonate= CaCO3)
Stenhouse Bay- Gypsum- Inneston (MgCO3)
Boiler-Steam Ship.
One Room-Tin-Aristarcorat-Top of Hill-Driveway-Stone-Stockade
Watering Hole
Althorpe Island
Chinamans Hat
Kaditcha- Law
Ethol- Ferret
Norfolk Pine History-
·         Discovered by Captain Cook
·         Discovered on Norfolk Island
·         Was very important to make sail boats
·         Has been around since the ice age
·         It’s Trunk and Branches are evidence of this as it is very efficient in capturing light
·         Was a main reason why Australia was settled
·         Is made up of dead, decomposed, organisms and is crushed together under great pressure
·         Made at the bottom of the sea
·         Used a lot in the 1800’s
·         Pressed together over millions even billions of years
·         The first limestone rock is very weak as it was made up algae and bacteria
·         A plant was built in PT recently
·         It changes salt water into fresh water
·         Makes large amounts of toxic salt
·         The salt is then pumped back into the sea
·         Shows a drastic change to supply water
·         Is harming the environment by altering the salt vs. water levels which make the sea
Chinamans Hat-
·         A small island in the shape of an Asian hat
·         Was named by people who had settled in Australia
·         Lots of Chinese people came over in the gold rush
·         The settlers saw what the Chinese people wore
·         They realised the island looked simular and named it Chinamans Hat

History Tour 2-
Warooka Museum:
Three things I learnt-
1.       Beersheba Battle
2.       Women weren’t allowed to have money
3.       Old telephones
Brentwood Cemetery:
Oldest 1878
50% young
Epitaph- There is a Reaper, Whose name is Death , and with his sickle keen, He reaps the Bearded grain at a breath and the followers the grow between.
Sandewood Park:
Three things I learnt-
1.       Importance of horses
2.       First engine in Australia
3.       Smoking rooms preserve food well
Peazy Swamp:
Was Underwater
Rift Valley- Dropped in height greatly.
Women were not allowed to carry much money on them, only enough to get a drink when they are out. They weren’t allowed bank accounts as well.
In the Brentwood Cemetery around 50% of the graves were for young children not much pass the age of 13 years. Some were only 13 months old. There was a huge age gap between the next set of dead people. They were in their 70’s/ 80’s but no one was in their 30’s/ 40’s.

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