Saturday, 19 March 2011

Community Service - Aleppo Pine Removal

As part of our community service program we were required to help volunteers in getting rid of the Aleppo Pine.  The Aleppo Pine is native to the Mediterranean region not Australia. It was brought over as a forestry tree but was widely recommended and planted as a shade tree all over the Yorke Peninsula. This Aleppo Pine is taking water and nutrients from the soil and depriving native trees. It is also taking over other trees by extending their roots more and more. The SYP Land Care group is keen to get rid of them as they will be saving many native trees. To be honest I’m not 100% sure why these men are going out of their way to get rid of the Aleppo Pine. Although it has to be done I’m surprised these men are doing it because of their age. They won’t get to see the long term effect of their work so I guess they’re doing for all the young people rather than themselves. This shows kindness and initiative just to go out their way for other people. I felt quite proud at the end of the day. It would be good to do more work, because when you compare their workload to ours it really wasn’t very much but it still made a slight difference.

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