Saturday, 19 March 2011

Living in a Wardli

·         Sleeping in a proper bed
·         Having a proper kitchen
·         Eating proper meals
·         Living with my mates
·         Independence
·         Learning to cook new meals
·         Team Work
·         Strengthening friendships
·         Making new friends
·         Learning new skills
·         Relying on certain individuals
·         Cooking for myself
·         Cleaning everyday
·         Washing my own sheets and clothes
·         Always busy
·         Solving problems
·         Waking up early
·         No Weekends
·         Budgeting
·         Dishes
Expect of Others:
·         Cooperative
·         Leadership
·         Understanding
·         Helpful
·         Shows Initiative
Expect of Myself:
·         Open Minded
·         Active
·         Helpful
·         Independent
·         Respectful
1.       My strength in the Wardli would definitely be time management and organisation. Most of the time I will try and get my Wardli out to the classroom or whatever location we need to get to on time.  I will wait for the last person to finish up their job and head off with them rather than take off when I’ve finished my job. I will always make sure each job is completed before I move onto the next job or leave for the classroom. With the washing I always every person takes their clothing. I believe these strengths are very important in every household, especially one as small as our Wardli.
2.       No one had any problems in our Wardli but I think we would have handled any situation maturely and sensibly.
3.       I really appreciate what mum and dad do at home every day after this experience.  I now know what they go through day in and day out just to keep the house clean, washing going, and food on the table. I will “try” to help out at home more now and not let mum and dad do “all” the work!
1.       A functional housemate shows the skills of:
Tidiness and Organisation. They keep everything clean and pack stuff up when they get it out rather than let it all build up and get all untidy. This creates a lot less work at the end and allows people to have more time on their hands for other tasks.
Acceptance and Respect. This allows people to be themselves and not worry about what other people think of them. They allow and trust certain traditions of other people even if it isn’t common to them.
Hard Worker and Time Efficient. Someone who only has a break when all the jobs are finished. They help others once they’ve finished and the other person needs help. They keep an eye on the time and allow time to get to different locations.
2.       The most functional person in my Wardli is the person who does majority of the things above. They only have a break when it is deserved and motivates people when they are struggling rather than get angry at them or pay them out. The person always is doing something constructive with their job and will go out of their way to make sure their and other people’s jobs are finished to a high standard.
3.        I will always try and do my job to a high standard. Sometimes with more tricky jobs I can’t  do as Thorough job but I will still make sure everything is done before I leave or chill out. I will also make sure no one else needs help before leaving in case they have a harder job than me and might need a bit of assistance. I will also try and get along with everyone in the Wardli. Luckily majority of the people in my Wardli are my mates so it is easy to talk and get along with them but the people I’m not great friends with I might try to get to know them better.

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