Saturday, 19 March 2011

Welcome To My Wambana Blog!!!

Hey everyone, welcome to my blog. Here you can read and comment on my work uploaded from wambana and look at photos of my experiences here.
(A photo of My Wardli members and I)
My Wardli (Wardli 4)

The name Wardli comes from the local aboriginal word meaning "dwelling". 

Cycle Tour

Day 1, Tuesday 15th March 2011-Part 1:
Today we rode around the Port Turton area. I ride quite a bit and though it would be fun and a laugh, riding around with everyone. The distance of the trip was definitely a new experience because I normally don’t ride that far back at home. The dirt roads were a lot harder to ride on than the normal smooth road. This required a lot more energy from me than I was used to which slowed me down a bit. It was also quite tricky weaving between the bigger and smaller rocks. While riding we had great weather. It was nice and sunny but the wind stopped the heat. I still had to load up on sunblock though because it was still hot out there and easy to get burnt. I believe it was a very successful ride and everyone showed great leadership. I am more comfortable riding after this ride and am used to the bike and helmet I will use in the future.  Part 2: After our first ride we came back to Wambana Campus. We had lunch here and wrote our first letters which we had to bring with us on our cycle half of the cycle tour. We rode along the Warooka loop and all the way up to post our letters. We travelled along dirt roads which I didn’t believe would be too bad. I was wrong though because we had a head wind on us the entire way and it took a lot of energy and effort to make the distance. It was a totally new experience for me because I hadn’t experienced headwinds this strong before. It was still nice and sunny but the wind gave a cool chill while you were riding. I was definitely successful when riding and glad when we made it to the end of the road. I definitely felt like I was a better rider and was more prepared for the climate I may experience in other rides. Some gear which I needed was: Helmet, Bike, Bag, Water Bottle (water), Camera, Hat, Scroggin, Sunnies, First Aid Kit and Sunblock.
Day 2, Wednesday 16th March 2011-During this ride we rode around Innes National Park. I was very tired from the other ride but excited about riding somewhere new. I didn’t know what to expect the ride to be like but I was hoping there was not any head wind and we not riding on dirt road. The bus dropped us of in the car park at the start. We rode up several hills and finally reached the top of a huge hill. It was great fun riding down the other side of the big hill. It was a totally new experience for me to ride in this type of environment but it was great fun. We rode on bitumen road for quite a while. Our first stop was at West Cape Lighthouse. We stopped here for a brake and walked to the lighthouse where we had a rock throwing contest. Our next stop was Dolphin Bay. We had lunch here and a long brake. The winds were very strong though. The ride to the beach and back was the horrible bit though. The road was dirt and very bumpy. My bum and back were quite sore by the end of it. I was so relieved when I saw the bitumen!!! We were given a challenge to ride all the way, back to the car park in the gears 2 and 8. The last hill (which was the biggest) absolutely killed me but I completed it. It was definitely worth the coke as a prize later. We had great weather while we were down there except I got heaps burnt on both my ankles. It was the only part of me which got burnt so I thought it was a good effort.  During this experience I learnt how important gears are and how much you use them without even noticing. I suggest use all your gears while you can because on the way back you really miss them. Also never stop on hills to have a break because Vince Rocca and I discovered it is very difficult to start riding again.
Day 3, Thursday 17th March 2011-During this ride we rode from Sundry to Edithburgh. At the start the ride seemed very easy. I was not struggling at all and I thought it was going to be the easiest ride yet. Halfway through the ride we stopped at a beach called suicide beach. We had lunch there and set off for our next part of the ride. We rode an off road track for about 1km which was great fun. I was at the front and cruised along the sand. I spun out a couple of times but it was worth it. After, we stopped off at a lighthouse which was massive. We then set off for our last destination. It absolutely killed me to get there but I felt a lot more confident and had lots of self-satisfaction. The swim at the end was great fun as well. Although it was cold it was a great end to the ride. On this ride the equipment we needed was: hat, sunblock, sunglasses, water bottle (water), Helmet, Bike Bag, First Aid-kit and towel/ spare clothes after swim.
My Bike (Aliza)
(On top of a hill at Innes National Park)
(A huge lighthouse on our last ride)

Introduction to Statistics

The 3.4km run
We run along the bike track, along the foreshore at PT, from Wambana to the sacred rock and back.
Data- In Minutes
WARDLI 2: 16, 20, 17, 14, 14, 15 -----> 14, 14, 15, 16, 17, 20
WARDLI 3: 16, 18, 23, 19, 14       ------> 14, 16, 18, 19, 23
WARDLI 4: 15, 19, 18, 16, 15, 17 -----> 15, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19
14                        x x x
15                        x x x
16                        x x x
17                        x x
18                        x x
19                        x x
20                        x x
23                         x

STATISTICS                      LOW    HIGH    RANGE    MODE       MEDIAN       MEAN         Q1    Q3     IQR    
WARDLI 2     14          20            6             14             15 ½              16             14     17       3
WARDLI 3     14          23            9            ALL            18                  18             15     21       6
WARDLI 4     15          19            4             15             16 ½        16 14/17       15     18       3
ALL                 14         23            9       14, 15, 16      16            16 14/17       15     18 ½   3 ½
I ran the 3.4km run in 18mins. This is 4 minutes above the lowest time and 5 minutes below the highest time. My time is 2 minutes from the median and 1 3/17 minutes from the mean. It is 3 minutes from Q1 but ½ a minute below Q3.

The 5.5km run
Start at Wambana; follow the bike track past the sacred rock to end of the PT Turton Jetty and return.
Data- in minutes
WARDLI 2: 23, 27, 22, 28, 22, 26 -----> 22, 22, 23, 26, 27, 28
WARDLI 3: 34, 27, 22, 25, 29        -----> 22, 25, 27, 29, 34
WARDLI 4: 28, 29, 23, 26, 24, 24 -----> 23, 24, 25, 26, 28, 29
22                        x x x
23                        x x
24                        x
25                        x x
26                        x x
27                        x x
28                        x x
29                        xx
34                        x

STATISTICS                      LOW    HIGH    RANGE    MODE       MEDIAN       MEAN         Q1    Q3     IQR    
WARDLI 2     22         28            6              22             24 ½             24 ½          22     27       5
WARDLI 3     22          34            12          ALL            27                 27 2/5       23 ½ 31 ½   8
WARDLI 4     23          29            6            ALL             25 ½           25 5/6         24     28      4
ALL                 22         34            12           22              26            25 15/17        23     28      5
I ran the 5.5km run in 27mins. This is 5 minutes above the lowest time and 7 minutes below the highest time. My time is 1 minute from the median and 2 15/17 minutes from the mean. It is 4 minutes from Q1 but 1 a minute below Q3.

Fitness Program

Day 1- Friday 18th March 2011-
·         3.4km run.
·         100, 100’s (100 sit ups, 100 push ups).
·         20.31mins.
·         I ran from the Wambana shed to the rock by the platform and back.
·         I was pretty tired while running because I don’t run a lot and my body was used to riding as I had ridden over the past few days.
·         I tried to keep at least jogging even if it was a slow job but I didn’t want to walk. I set myself small goals of fast running and then going slowly.
·         At the start of the run I pushed myself to hard and got tired at the start. Next time I’ll take it easier at the start so I don’t ware myself out.
Day 2- Saturday 19th March 2011
·         Today I had my leadership day with Vince Rocca so I didn’t run the 5.5km or do the 100, 100’s.
Day 3- Sunday 20th March 2011-
·         3.4km run.
·         100, 100’s
·         19.50mins.
·         I ran from the Wambana shed to the rock by the platform and back.
·         I felt quite good this morning and was a little bit out of breath by the end of the run but was travelling at a decent pace.
·         There were boys in front of me who I wanted to keep up with and this made me keep moving at a fast pace.
·         I was feeling a lot better and more confident this morning which is why I shaved a minute off my time. Also the boys in front of me helped me without even knowing it. I also started at a steady pace and finished at a steady pace.
·         Next time I might even try to jog at a faster pace and see if I can shave more minutes off my time.
Day 4- Monday 21st March 2011-
·         Weaves around the oval.
·         Modified dodge ball.
·         Carrying game.
·         We carried out all these games and routines on the oval.
·         I was freezing cold because it was drizzling and the winds were pretty strong.
·         I just thought of a nice hot shower and good breakfast to get me through the training.
·         Next training session I will definitely stretch more before I head out because by the end of the training I started to get cramps in my legs.
Day 5- Tuesday 22nd March 2011-
·         5.5km run.
·         100, 100’s.
·         29.45mins.
·         I ran from the Wambana shed to the PT Jetty.
·         I was really tired this morning so I didn’t go as fast as I probably could have. My legs and back were really sore by the end of the run.
·         I tried to keep up with the people in front of me and not fall behind.
·         This was my first 5.5km run.
·         Next session I’m going to run at a faster pace and keep it at that same speed.
Day 6- Wednesday 23rd March 2011-
·         Power training this session.
·         First I ran from the Oval to the Class Room and back.
·         I then did sprints.
·         Then the game Rats and Rabbits.
·         Two different types of Squats.
·         Chin up bar.
·         During the chin-ups my arms were killing me and during the squats my legs felt really heavy.
·         I just tried to keep up with everyone and not fall behind.
·         This was a lot harder than the game training but I guess power training a lot more different.
·         Next time I’ll push myself harder because I think that I could have done better with the chin-up bar and maybe pushed harder with the squats.
Day 7- Thursday 24th March 2011-
·         7.4km run.
·         54.35mins
·         I ran from the Shed, along the track behind the campus, along the beach and back.
·         On the way there I was not very tired because some boys in my group were walking so I had to keep waiting for them but on the way back I really pushed myself and didn’t walk at all.
·         I kept telling myself that it wasn’t very far and I had run further distances than what I was then.
·         This was a first for me to run 7.4km but I think I did pretty well at it.
·         Next time I’m going to head off with the other  group and run the full 9.2km because I recon I’m up for it.
Day 8- Friday 25th March 2011-
·         Walk along the track to the beach.
·         Chin ups.
·         Did not time and managed about 30 chin ups all up.
·         I walked along the track to the beach from the shed and back and did three sets of 10 chin ups but the people behind me were allowed to help me up if I needed it.
·         This was just a relaxing walk after the 7.4km run to chill out and cool down but the chin-ups really tested my strength.
·         I talked with Vince on the way there and Olly on the way back and Reuther, Daly, Tom and Girke were in my group.
·         There’s not a lot different I would do with the walk but maybe push myself harder with the chin-ups.
Day 9- Saturday 26th March 2011-
·         I went for the 3.4km run today.
·         100, 100’s.
·         17.31 (My best time yet!)
·         I ran from the shed to the rock by the platform and back.
·         I was feeling good today and really pushed myself and got my best time yet!
·         I was feeling really good until about halfway coming back.
·         This was my third 3.4km run and I can tell I’m getting fitter by just looking at my times.
·         Next time I’ll push myself even harder and see if I can get down to under 17mins.
Day 10- Sunday 27th March 2011-
·         5.5km run.
·         100, 100’s.
·         28.59mins.
·         I ran from the Wambana Shed, to the PT Jetty and back.
·         This run I did not stop and kept a constant speed. I was a bit disappointed when I only beat my old time by about 40secs.
·         Cam Scheepers ran with me for most of the run and I wanted to keep moving and not fall behind.
·         My legs and feet were really sore today.
·         I beat my old time by about 40secs but next time try to smash it.
·         I’ll run at a faster pace next time so I get back quicker because it felt like I slowed off before I reached the end.
Day 11- Monday 28th March 2011-
·         Today I had my 2nd leadership day with Vince Rocca so I didn’t do the Power training.
Day 12- Tuesday 29th March 2011-
·         3.4km run.
·         100, 100’s.
·         17.34mins.
·         I ran from the Wambana Shed, to the limestone rock and back.
·         This time I actually ran the run at a fast pace rather than jogged it.
·         My legs were really sore on the way back and I started to find it hard to breath during the last sprint.
·         During the last bit (about 100m left) Mitolo came sprinting up behind me so I sprinted to keep ahead.
·         I’m not sure why my time is better than my last run. I guess I slowed  off a little at the end.
·         Next time I’ll keep a steadier, faster pace throughout the entire run.
Day 13- Wednesday 30th March 2011-
·         Ran the 5.5km run.
·         We ran it in a group this time rather than individually.
·         28.35.
·         I ran from the Wambana shed, to the PT Turton Jetty and back.
·         The group that I was with really pushed me as I didn’t want to fall behind.
·         I was just exhausted that morning and found it hard to keep moving.
·         During the last about 400m I just sprinted as hard as I could and ended up coming second behind Mitolo.
·         Next time I’ll try and lead the pack I ran with rather than being at the back or middle.
Day 14- Thursday 31st March 2011-
·         Walk along the track to the beach.
·         Chin ups.
·         Did not time and managed about 5 chin ups in a row.
·         I walked along the track to the beach from the shed and back and did one set of 5 chin ups.
·         This was just a relaxing walk after the few days of running to chill out and cool down but the chin-ups really tested my strength.
·         There’s not a lot different I would do with the walk but maybe push myself harder with the chin-ups.
Day 15- Friday 1st April 2011-
·         Run around the oval.
·         Game of mixed soccer and footy.
·         Played tunnel ball and over and under.
·         Ran bean bags from one hoop to the other.
·         We nearly one the bean bag game but one the tunnel ball and stuff.
·         We lost the mixed soccer and footy.
·         I wasn’t too tired by the end of the training but it was pretty fun.
·         I think I did better in this training session than previous game sessions as I got more involved.
·         Next time I’ll get even more involved.
Day 16-Saturday 2nd April 2011-
·         5.5km run.
·         100, 100’s.
·         32.51mins.
·         I ran from the Wambana Shed, to the PT Jetty and back.
·         This run I was really tired. I didn’t want to push myself to hard as I knew the 11km run was soon and didn’t want to be injured or for my legs to hurt.
·         Some other boys were behind me so I thought it was alright if I slowed you down.

·         I didn’t get even close to my best time but I would push myself more if I could re-do it.
Day 17- Sunday 3rd April 2011-
·         Today I went on a beach walk.
·         Halfway through it we had a discussion about the 11km run.
·         It was a nice easy break before the 11km run tomorrow.
Day 18- Monday 4th April 2011-
·         Today was the 11km beach run.
·         I completed it in 1 hour 12mins 10secs.
·         We were all dropped off at Harwicke Bay and had to run along the beach towards Wambana campus, along the sandy track and up to the shed.
·         Throughout the run my body was killing me. My legs and feet were sore and I was extremely tired. I tried not to think about it though so I could keep going on without stopping or walking.
·         I kept singing different songs in my head on the way which really helped me persist and forget about all the physical pain I was enduring.  
·         After this run I did not want to run ever again but now thinking back I’m glad that I did it because I stronger because of it.
·         If I re-did the run I would definitely push myself on the last sandy track which leads up to the Wambana shed. This would have cut close to 2 minutes off my time and I would have done it under 1 hour 10mins.